24 Dec 2014

My Christmas Wish (A Poem) // Xmas Week!

Today's my third entry in my 'Xmas Week' blogs and today I have something a little more creative. If you follow my blog you would know that I have posted a few similar posts on here in the past couple months about certain topics that I felt passionate about, for some reason I find it a lot easier to write in poetic form as opposed to sentences as I feel it express more feeling and emotion, in this way. 

For me, I really do believe that the greatest gift you can give to anyone this time of year especially and all year round is your time...

In today's world, Christmas can be seen as quite materialistic with the giving of presents and exchanging of gifts. Many blogs will and have wrote about wish list's and things they want, if you have noticed I didn't do that... I didn't want to ask for anything this year because in reality I have everything. Of course a nice pair of shoes, a new phone are all great but those are the things that don't matter in the world, to me. Those things cannot give you love, they cannot share with you you're experiences and your life, they cannot give you moments and memories and they cannot make you truly happy. 

My Christmas Wish (A Poem)


Dear Diary, today I write
In hope for nothing but love and light
At this festive holiday time
When the world shines on everything that seems so bright
For the angels we lost I hope they sleep tight 
And may we be blessed with everything we need 
And lets be thankful for those around the tree
As I write this poem on Christmas Eve
As new year dawns all becomes clear 
And in that it is nearly time for the new year 
But just know we have everything we need right here

So here it is my Christmas gift
And I guess this is also my Christmas wish
That you all take some time away
To enjoy your time with those you spend today

So merry Christmas to you all
I hope you have a wonderful and joyous time
Filled with laughter and love and this little rhyme
I hope for you, it's a great day wherever you may be
This is a little poem for you from me. 

Live life, chase your dreams, have a Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays!
See you tomorrow. 

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